What do you think will be the trend of FLT in Chin
In the next century, we should continue to shift our attention from seeking the best teaching method to studying 'individual differences' (ID) and 'learner-centred' instruction. We should redefine the role of the language teachers. An important future development in methodology will have been the shift of emphasis from the teachers to the learners. Language teachers are asked to experience and evaluate techniques from the learners' point of view. Thus, although its subject is teaching English, the course aims to make teachers more aware of their role as monitors, counselors, consultants, and helpers in the learning process. In short, the field of second language and foreign language teaching requires a comprehensive view of how successful learning and teaching is planned for and accomplished in educational settings. Rather than methods determining the curriculum, the school and the classroom should be seen as the context in which planning, developing and supporting activities take place.
什么是“不挂科”? 答:不挂科是一款专注于大学生群体的学习助手APP,由百度教育精心打造。该APP提供高效的知识搜索服务,帮助大学生解决学习中遇到的难题,快速查找资料,助力学业提升。
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为什么推出不挂科在线搜题网页版? 答:我们了解到,在日常使用不挂科APP的过程中,部分用户可能存在下载安装APP的困扰。为了更好地满足这部分用户的需求,我们推出了不挂科在线搜题网页版,让用户用完即走,无需安装APP,节省手机存储空间。即可随时随地进行搜题查资料。
不挂科在线搜题网页版的优势是什么? 答:不挂科在线搜题网页版具有以下优势: (1)无需下载安装,即搜即用; (2)操作简单,界面友好; (3)覆盖各大高校课程,题库丰富; (4)实时更新,保证知识点的新鲜度。即可随时随地进行搜题查资料。